Working with children and families in need…
We have over 2,000 members and all come from inner-city areas in the bottom 10% of the most deprived communities in the country.
- 4% live in child poverty
- 50% have free school meals
- 60% come from single parent households
- 70% come from ethnic minority backgrounds
In light of cuts to local authority youth services, we need support and funding more than ever before to ensure we continue to support the most vulnerable sectors of our community. Investing in young people, with time or money, is an investment in the future.
Recovering from the Coronavirus pandemic will be especially challenging for the families we work with who were already suffering a range of challenges and deprivation before the crisis.
Working Together
We believe in working in partnership with other organisations committed to the same values as us, pooling our resources, ideas and enthusiasm. Together we can continue with our commitment to improving youth provision in the local area.
We would not have been able to achieve the success that we have without the support of our funders and partners, ranging from local authorities to private companies and individuals, and we are deeply grateful for their ongoing help and commitment to the Harrow Club.