Some of our Projects
Our team are experienced in working with young people who are facing a range of challenging circumstances. Through our youth work we help to improve self-esteem and offer them greater opportunities and life chances.
We take learning outside the classroom, with tailor-made projects to meet the needs of a particular group. We are committed to reflecting the individuality of young people in the programmes we design with them.
Become a Life Coach
Grit Charity and The Harrow Club, in partnership with two local schools (KAA and All Saints) are delivering a personal development program for their students.
Motor Project 2020
A project aimed at reducing vehicle crime, road accidents and providing key life skills and positive recreational activities. Includes CBT road legal bike testing and off-road track days.
Debate Boxing
Young people take part in a structured programme where they learn the discipline of boxing training and also research and discuss a range of issues both local and national.
Another Way
A late-night safe-space and support project for young people who are at risk of becoming involved in serious youth violence and associated criminality
Peer Education
Our young people put together workshops on key issues such as youth violence or drug and them deliver to other local people in schools and youth clubs locally
Alternative Education
We offer programmes for pupils who are having difficulties in school or need a change of learning environment for a period of time.